Mary-Jane (Mij) McPhie
We are privileged to have our own Orthoptist, who can assess and treat double vision, squint, paediatric eye conditions, prism fitting and all eye movement problems. Mij completed her Orthoptic Training at Moorfields Eye Hospital in London in 1994 and started work at Southampton General Hospital as an Orthoptist. During her time there, she also gained her adult teaching qualification to become an Orthoptic Clinical Trainer. In 1998, she relocated to Auckland to work as an Orthoptist at the public hospital there for 3 years before returning to the UK to take up a clinical tutoring post at Cheltenham General Hospital. In 2008, she decided to return to New Zealand with her family and she has worked with us since 2008.
For more information on Orthoptists, visit the NZ Orthoptic Society website